Collabs, Not Competition

The makeup world is an ever-evolving space full of talented individuals who have their own unique styles. Shortly after joining the Instagram beauty community, I discovered that makeup collabs were a thing. Essentially, someone creates a group that makeup artists can join where everyone creates looks based on specific themes. It was a great concept, and it became the biggest push I needed to work past some of my own insecurities about showing my face online. Let's face it, I favored photographing the makeup while still in the pan than on my face.

True Collaboration

Doing makeup with others has a multitude of benefits. It provides a social opportunity to connect, have fun, and bond with others. It also allows individuals to share their skills, techniques, and tips, which can enrich participants' skills. And when some people need it most, it becomes a supportive and encouraging environment and can boost confidence and self-esteem, especially for those who are just starting to experiment with makeup.

The Dirty Competition Game

It didn't take long for me to spot some glaring problems with the whole makeup collab idea. I've whittled down the number of collaboration groups I'm a part of not only because I needed to reclaim bandwidth, but because there were some trends that didn't sit well with me. And, I'm not a lurker by any means, but I'm connected indirectly to a handful of accounts that I've had fallings out with, some because of the dirty tactics people use to exploit others. Here are a few instances:

Promoting themselves for exposure

This is probably my biggest pet-peeves. IMO, just because you're an admin of a makeup collaboration doesn't give you the exclusive right to tout yourself above your members each and every time. Sure, one could justify the notion, but anyway you slice it, the selfishness in such a gesture is glaring. For the record, I've never cared about being featured first in anything. That's not the reason I collaborate with people. I've even made it clear to some former groups that if it made everyone feel more special to not be last, then make it me.

Not supporting your teammates

As sad and frustrating as some may know, sometimes there's a rotten egg or two within a group. They may choose to either ignore you or provide insufficient rationalizations on why they don't support some members of the group (EG: drama). I have first-hand experience with this, and I think it's hypocritical AF, especially being part of the team.

Fronted Kindness

This is pretty self-explanatory. Some people simply fake kindness to particular members, then bully them either directly or behind their backs. I've seen it happen to other people, and it's also happened to me.

Support your team

As an admin of 3 makeup groups, I know that every member is incredibly valuable. After all, a group isn't anything unless people are a part of it. So, in appreciation to my group members, I always showcase their looks in the accompanying reels and slides before my own.

Let's work together, not against each other. Let’s foster connections and inspire each other to branch out past our comfort zones. Let's foster a positive and supportive environment where we can continue to shine.

Until next time!


Vinyl & Vanity Collab: Zeromancer - The Death of Romance


Celebrating 2 Years!