Celebrating 2 Years!

Hello Everyone!

I’m happy to announce the launch of my website in celebration of two full years of sharing my love for makeup and beauty on IG as zoomzoommacaron.

I began my journey in the beauty community, creating content and sharing what I love originally as a much-needed outlet during the 2020 pandemic. Admittedly, the project was long overdue. I’ve had a passion for makeup and beauty for decades, yet lacked the confidence to get out from behind the camera. Because I have so many projects that I’m working on, such as my novel series The Chimera Snare and Shopcorpsicle, I decided to use zoomzoommacaron to help overcome my insecurities.

Within a few months of launching my account, I managed to connect with some talented and very kind individuals who hosted their own collaborative makeup groups, where members would create a look based on a particular theme. I remember how hard it was to review the shots I took. I’m not sure if you know the feeling, but I felt embarrassed AF to have my face blown up on my monitor screen, let alone have my husband in the room while I did it. It took close to a year for that feeling to go away, but I still have more work to do. Next challenge: is video and audio. (Ugh, hearing my voice is just the worst to me, lol!)

I feel very fortunate to have made the connections I have thus far. I’ve found some awesome friends and nestled into a phenomenal niche of supportive, like-minded artists in an otherwise brutally competitive platform.

There is certainly much more to come from me, and for all of you who have been with me throughout my journey, I love you to pieces. Thank YOU!


Collabs, Not Competition